10mm SMG Front Sight
This mod gives the 10mm SMG its front ring sight so you can spend less time guesstimating and more time aiming.
It’s a pretty well-known fact that the 10mm SMG in Fallout 76 lacks a front sight. What’s very curious though, is how Atom Shop skin thumbnails always seem to showcase the mythical front sight, despite players currently having no access to it. So I dug around in the files, found the damn thing, and made it usable.
However, because I’m still a novice at modding Fallout and don’t quite know the limits of what can and can’t be done for 76 with the tools presently available, this is a mesh replacement mod. I opted to make the front sight mesh replace all of the barrel meshes for two reasons.
– it would give the user usable sights (duh)
– it would remove those utterly goofy-looking, gaudy, gigantic pipe barrels coming out of what’s supposed to be a small and compact weapon
Download 10mmFrontSight.ba2, slap it in your Fallout76/Data folder, then edit your Fallout76Custom.ini to list the mod as per usual.