Kit’s Killer Strings
Revival of my multi-featured sorting and tagging mod. This mod facilitates better game play by sorting everything logically in your inventory, making finding things in your inventory a breeze and maintaining your encumbrance a cinch. Beyond just sorting, this mod adds tons of QOL features to the 76 UI you will find useful.
Let me start with a sincere and heart felt apology to anyone who was a fan of this mod and was put off by my sudden ghosting. I realize that many users were likely left in an odd lurch, when suddenly there favorite UI mod was ripped from the Nexus with nothing similar to replace it. I have genuinely regretted leaving the Nexus Mods platform, the game, and my Discord community in the way I did. Without going into too much detail, I will say that I went through a horrible trauma in my life where my mental health was…not in a good place. This led me to disconnect from many things well beyond video games in a sort of technological detox that was really good for me and gave me time to bounce back stronger than ever. I fully understand that I could have handled things better, which is why I bringing this back at all. I appreciate everybody who ever showed me love for the work I put in on this mod and am making a public pledge to never leave my users hanging like that ever again. I’m open to hearing your thoughts about the situation and I also fully understand that some folks might be angry with me and that is understandable! Please accept my apology and enjoy the revival of Kit’s Killer Strings updated for the Patch 22 hot fix.
Completely Optimized overhaul of inventory UI
Categorical item groupings
Buff Food Tagging ex, [STR3] [INT3] [RR30] ETC
Event Items Sorting
Scrap Sorting and Component Tags
Ammo Sorting by Type
MISC Tab Optimization
Easy Flux Identification
Pioneer Scout Quest Easy Exams – look for the *
String Optimization – Text redundancies removed and text order changes to preserve categorical item groupings
Improved Perk Card Sorting
Detailed Perk Card Descriptions – always open to feedback about these, things change in an online game so let me know if we need to review a particular perk card for accuracy.
Many, many smaller QOL changes to various strings.
[Bigger changes]
Apparel keyword tags has been scrapped as a feature all together. While the idea was solid, the feature just never worked for players the way I thought it would and really added a lot of noise to the look of the strings. Now that challenges have been overhauled the feature just became bloat. Additionally, it was a ton of manual work to maintain the tags every time a new patch dropped with apparel items introduced to the game.
Junk was returned to components and quantity indications. In this case I feel less is more. The vanilla weights in the string were somewhat helpful but less often than when annoyance occurred at the components string being too long to display when hovering over a junk item.
Load screen tips were reverted to vanilla for the time being. I really liked this feature of the mod, but so much has changed that I thought it best to eliminate them for now. If this feature returns it will likely focus on providing information about game mechanics that are often misunderstood or not explained at all by the game.
Feedback is always welcome here! If you have ideas, questions, comments of any kind please leave them. I try to respond to everybody in a timely fashion!
Download the File
Extract the File
Place contents of extracted file into
Steam Users: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout76/Data
BethNet: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76/Data
Your drive letter may be different depending on your system configuration.
I personally load all games on a separate SSD from my OS drive so I use D:\
Delete Strings Folder, Restart Game