Perk Loadout Manager
Perk Loadout Manager is a mod that allows you to save up to (currently) three unique Perk Card builds, and swap between them as needed. Need to access a Skill 3 terminal and not have to remember which cards you unequipped to make room for the Hacking cards? Save a loadout for it! Want to swap between shotguns and melee weapons depending on the situation? Just save a couple loadouts.
Ability to save and load 3 Perk Card builds per character (this number may slightly increase in the future, based on feedback).
Minor changes: Opening the Perk Card menu will now default to the card selection screen and will never (improperly) show you the PVP tutorial if you are over level 50.
Usage Guide
To save your currently-equipped Perk Card loadout, simply open the Perk Cards menu, and press SHIFT + 1, 2, or 3, depending on which “slot” you would like to save your loadout to.
To load your loadout, with the Perk Cards menu open, simply press 1, 2, or 3, depending on which slot you would like to load.
Installation Guide
Extract the “interface” folder into your Fallout 76 Data folder.
Follow Baka File Tool instructions on creating a new archive for your mods.
Extract the PerkLoadoutManager.ba2 file to your Fallout 76 Data folder (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76\Data)
Navigate to your Fallout 76 settings folder in “My Games” (default: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76)
If this is your first mod, extract the optional “Fallout76.ini” file to the current directory. Otherwise, append the name of the new archive, “PerkLoadoutManager.ba2”, to the list, separated by a comma, like so:
This mod modifies the perkcards.swf file and will not be compatible with any other mod that does so.
Game updates to this file may require an update to the mod for continued functionality.
Is this mod allowed? Please refer to Bethesda’s article on mods: https://help.bethesda.net/app/answers/detail/a_id/44429/kw/mod
Is this mod safe to use? Beyond the virus scan, if you have any concerns, feel free to open the SWF file and view the source code. This can be done with a tool called JPEXS Flash Decompiler.
Is this mod cheating? The functionality of this mod still requires you to manually open your Perk Cards menu and manually save or load your desired cards. It is not automated.
Additional Notes
Due to game limitations saving data locally in Flash, loadouts are currently stored externally on a server. Absolutely no sensitive information is sent: Account ID is hashed with character name and is used to securely remember an individual’s loadouts. If anyone knows how to save files locally from Flash in previous Bethesda games (such as Fallout 4), please PM me so I can make this an option.
This mod is a work in progress, and while I will make a reasonable effort to ensure there are no bugs, some users may occasionally run into them. There are no guarantees regarding stability or crashes.
Future Plans
Adding the ability for loadouts to be named, if there is demand.
Potentially integrating saved loadouts with a popular loadout-building site, such as Fallout 76 Build Planner or Nukes & Dragons Character Build Planner.
Adding the ability to save and load using a controller.
Adding the ability to remap the hotkeys used for saving and loading.
Have an idea? Feel free to suggest it!